- People paint a banner reading « Nuit Debout » during the 4th gathering of the « Nuit Debout » movement held in Toulouse.
- A street theater group play a piece from Italian writer Ascanio Celestini called ‘Address to the Nation’ on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse. France. May 15th 2016.
- People listen to a speaker during the International Day called GlobalDebout launched by the ‘Nuit Debout’ movement. Toulouse. France. May 15th 2016.
- Flyers and a false voting card on the Place du Capitole during the International Day called GlobalDebout launched by the ‘Nuit Debout’ movement. Toulouse. France. May 15th 2016.
- Supporters of the ‘Nuit Debout’ (Up All Night) movement gather again on the Place du Capitole after clashes with riot police near the bureau of the Socialist Party of Toulouse. Toulouse. France. May 10th 2016.
- A sunday afternoon for ‘Nuit Debout’ on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse. France.
- A sunday afternoon for ‘Nuit Debout’ on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse. France.
- A sunday afternoon for ‘Nuit Debout’ on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse. France.
- A sunday afternoon for ‘Nuit Debout’ on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse. France.
- A flag reading ‘Nuit Debout’ on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse. France. May 10th 2016.
- The people of ‘Nuit Debout’ hang on a banner reading ‘Let’s sound the alarm’ after one of them has been arrested. Toulouse. France. May 3rd 2016.
- People of the DAL and ‘Nuit Debout’ (Up All Night) movement discuss what to do after one of them has been arrested. Toulouse. France. May 3rd 2016.
- People of the DAL and ‘Nuit Debout’ march to the central police station of Toulouse to obtain the liberation of one of them who has been arrested by riot police. Toulouse. France. May 3rd 2016.
- A silkscreen printing made during a workshop at ‘Nuit Debout’ in Toulouse. Toulouse. France. April 28th 2016.
- A man walks amid people to take remarks during a ‘Nuit Debout’ (Up All Night) gathering on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse. France. April 28th 2016.
- Members of the ‘Nuit Debout’ (Up All night) glue flyers calling for the ‘Nuit Debout’ during a demonstration against the E-l-Khomri Bill on labour reforms. Toulouse. France. April 28th, 2016.
- A sign on the Place du Capitole by the ‘Nuit Debout’ mouvement where people can find something to drink or eat.
- Geneviève Azam, spoke person of the Attac movement and professor at the Jean-Jaurès university makes a conference in front of the ‘Nuit Debout’ (Up All Night) assembly .
- People of the ‘Nuit Debout’ movement prepare sandwiches and drinks for the assembly.
- A man speak during the general assembly of the 5th night of the « Nuit Debout » movement in Toulouse.
- Three people embrace during the first night « Nuit Debout » held in Toulouse.
- Two participants at the 5th « Nuit Debout » (All night up) movement on the Place du Capitole eat. Toulouse.
- An activist discourses during the first « Nuit Debout » held in Toulouse on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse
- Two jugglers play during the first night « Nuit Debout » called in Toulouse.
- A member of the ‘logistics’ takes note on a laptop during the 4th gathering of the « Nuit Debout » movement in Toulouse.
- A listener to the conference made by Geneviève Azam, spokeperson of the ATTAC movement during the 9th night of the ‘Nuit Debout’ .
- An student hand a flyer calling for the first « Nuit Debout » in Toulouse on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse.
- People argues during a committe on the Place du Capitole during the 5th night of the « Nuit Debout » « Up All Night » movement.
- A participant of the 5th night of the « Nuit Debout » movement paints a placard « reading April will begin when we’ll decide » as they call this day March 40th.
- A woman paints a banner reading « Nuit Debout » during the gathering called « Nuit Debout » .Toulouse. France.
- An activist discourses during the first « Nuit Debout » held in Toulouse on the Place du Capitole.
- A man makes soap bubbles during the 5th general assembly of the « Nuit Debout » on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse.
- A man who participates at the 5th night of the « Nuit Debout » movement raises his hands to applause. Toulouse.
- People paint a banner during the 4th gathering of the « Nuit Debout » movement held in Toulouse.
- A man who participates at the 5th night of the « Nuit Debout » movement prepares to display a film called « Merci Patron ! » .
- For the 9th night in a row, more than 600 people of the ‘Nuit Debout’ (Up All night) mouvement gather on the Place du Capitole. Toulouse. France. April 14th 2016.
- A writing on the ground reading « Fighting is to survive » during the first night « Nuit Debout » held in Toulouse.